Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Refugees, Migrants, Asylum seekers... Who are they? Are you familiar with those terms? Are you familiar with those people? This Unit is going to take us through a short journey to those people's lives. Before you speak out, first look closely into the story behind the fact.

Watch these videos first...

This is the e-book you will be working on.
Use the dictionary on the right hand side of the page or this one in order to complete the vocabulary exercise in your books, then go through the quotations from the article and decide whether you agree or not. You will get to check them out again only after you're done reading the whole article.

The first article in your books is based on this story. Visit the UNHCR page and do the reading exercises on your books.

This is the last page of the chapter:

Choose any of the following tasks:

Talk with your parents about the origins of your family and draw your family tree.

Draw your story or use IT tools to present it to your fellow students.

Take interviews from refugees or migrants you know and present them in class.

Search the internet and find stories you would like to share. You could find examples with refugees from your country's history and present them in class.

Prepare a board game with questions related to the issue of this unit.

Search for relevant literature on refugees from your country and make a presentation in class.

Get in groups of 3 or 4, pick a task and share it here on our blog when done.

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